Friday, March 25, 2016

Map of Yokohama

My grandparents live in Yokohama. When I was little, my grandpa, who is crazy about baseball, used to take me to the stadium to watch baseball games, while my grandma would take me to China Town and we enjoy yummy Yum cha for lunch! This lovely port city always brings back memories of my childhood. Nowadays Yokohama is becoming more and more modern with new skyscrapers, cool diners, gorgeous shopping malls and so on. They even have unique museums, such as the Cup Noodle museum and Ramen museum. How fun! There is so much to see here!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Flow Magazine NL

My illustration is featured in the special food edition of Flow Magazine NL. Thank you TDAC! I've never been happier!

A new book out!

ワンちゃんオーナーの皆様、お待たせいたしました!『いぬとわたしの防災ハンドブック』(パルコ出版)、ついに出ました。「震災が起こった時、どうしますか? いぬを飼っている、いぬ好きのための、ありそうでなかった防災ハンドブック」。ワンコの写真とイラストがたっぷり。『ねことわたしの防災ハンドブック』に続くシリーズ第二弾です。
A new book out! How to Prepare Your Dogs for a Natural Disaster or Emergency, published by Parco Publishing. This helpful book I illustrated has just been released today. If a natural or human-triggered disaster strikes, what will you do with your dogs? What is your plan to ensure your dog's safety?? Be prepared! This book is dedicated to all dog owners.(Currently this book is only available in Japanese language.)