I'm delighted to announce my art show "Curry Festival" in Shimokitazawa, from 10/2 to 11/29 at CAFE ZINC!
I will have a couple of my paintings displayed which are mouth-watering! If you get a chance to come to Shimokitazawa, please drop by and have some curry and coffee :)))
I will have a couple of my paintings displayed which are mouth-watering! If you get a chance to come to Shimokitazawa, please drop by and have some curry and coffee :)))
下北沢の素敵なお店CAFE ZINCさんで「ごきげんなカレーライス」展をさせていただきます(10/2~11/29)。お店の美味しいカレーメニューとコラボしたイラスト展です。10月は下北沢で盛大なカレーフェスティバルが開催される時期ですので、どうぞあわせてお楽しみください。ご来店、お待ちしております!^0^